projector 3D

Before designing our next-generation projector platform, our product management and R&D teams invest a significant amount of time to get a clear projector picture of the needs, wants, and expectations of today’s cinema industry. Our goal was to translate those findings into a product that can amaze audiences and exhibitors alike. Barco Series 4 is the result of that collaboration with our exhibition partners, and a testament to our continued customer focus. Let’s go back to where it all started. In 2015, Barco, the global leader in cinema projection, had just launched its product line and was finalizing its portfolio. Barco’s ICMP reigned as the best-selling media server. However, a new challenge for theaters was already looming. The VPF era was slowly ending and most digital cinema projectors in the field were approaching ten years of operation. Exhibitors and partners were starting to plan for the renewal wave. The only question was, what wou...